
Wooden Lacrosse

Wooden Lacrosse

Wooden Lacrosse

A family business owned by Gaenhyenhawi Solotes, she and her husband, Joe Solotes, run the business on the Tuscarora Nation. They have two sons, Wesley and Eli. 

Joe has been in the lacrosse stick business since 1998 when he started working under John “Wesley” Patterson at Tuskewe Krafts. Wesley taught Joe how to make lacrosse sticks, he became a mentor to Joe and they worked together until Wesley passed away in 2000.


After his passing, Joe was the sole lacrosse stick maker for Tuskewe Krafts. Joe continued to work for Tuskewe Krafts after the business was sold to Liz and Will Printup and on until it closed. When they closed, customers asked Joe if he could continue to make sticks. That is how Wooden Lacrosse was born in 2010.


Wooden Lacrosse purchased the equipment from Tuskewe Krafts as well as the Patterson Lacrosse name, and has been making Patterson Lacrosse sticks ever since. Hawi started officially weaving for Tuskewe Krafts in 2000. Her mother had been a weaver while Hawi was a child so she grew up helping her mom with weaving whenever she could. Joe’s passion for making lacrosse sticks has made him focus on the quality of each lacrosse stick made, making sure it balances properly and feels good in your hands. Together they strive to provide quality lacrosse sticks to all who love the game. 

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